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Course outline

This outline helps you navigate through the topics covered in the course. We recommend following the videos in the order given below as the individual lectures build upon each other and we assume that materials from previous chapters are known.




Detection probabilities



1.1: Distance dependent detection

Learn how your ability to detect animals depends on how far the animals are from you.


1.2: Mark-recapture concepts

Using mark-recapture (or capture-recapture) concepts, we estimate how detection probabilities decline with increasing distance.

2.1: Introduction to abundance estimation

We use the estimated detection probabilities and the observed animals to estimate total abundance of the population.


3.1: Capture histories

We learn how to build capture histories by hand from detection data.


3.2 Fitting SCR models

We describe the three objects required at minimum to fit an SCR model (the detectors, the capture history and the mask), how to create these in R and use them to fit an SCR model.


3.3 Some technical jargon explained

We explain some of the technical terms related to SCR in plain English.


4.1: Acoustic SCR 

We build a capture history for call detections and estimate call density.



4.2: Frog example

We learn about the components required for fitting an SCR model with the function fit.ascr, use this function to fit the model and interpret the output.

5.1: Know your species

We describe the different components that make up the gibbon songs.


5.1: Introduction

We describe the options for detection unit available for gibbons and introduce the complexities arising from these options.


5.2: Attach calls to groups

We describe how we can localise the location of the calling animals of a group using triangulation of the call angles from the different detectors.


5.3: Estimate the proportion of occasions that groups call

One example for estimating this parameter is given which involves focal follows of groups.


5.4 Track groups across multiple occasions

We describe how tracking groups across occasions alleviates the issue that not all groups call during a day.


5.5 Using calls as the detection unit

We build a capture history for call detections and estimate call density.

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Start with Chapter 1

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